Sunday, April 18, 2010

Study in Russia

Russian education system is counted amongst one of the most advanced education systems in the world. The country has a tradition of striving to provide quality education to its citizens. Russia’s more than 500 higher educational institutions and 48 universities have nearly three million students pursuing different programmes. This goes on to show how much higher education in the country is valued. Higher educational institutions in Russia have laid a greater emphasis on science and technology.
Besides, Russian medical, mathematical, scientific, and space and aviation research is excellent, which has attracted a number of students from overseas countries.

Post soviet era, many new private educational institutions have come up that have exclusively focused on providing quality education. The mass education system in the country is also among one of the best in the world with a phenomenal literacy rate of 98 percent, thus exceeding most Western European countries.

Higher education in the country is in the domain of both the public and non-public accredited higher educational institutions. Higher education in the country has been divided into basic higher education and postgraduate higher education. Competitive entry requirements at the Russian universities also ensure that only good students get admission into the institutions thereby ensuring quality in the education. Many Russian institutions also have programmes for public and professional needs.

Another great attraction of the Russian education system is the cost factor, especially when quality is taken into consideration. Tuitions fees for degree programmes can range between $2000 and $8000 per year, with costs for room & board, books, etc. ranging between another $1500 and $5000. Costs vary depending on location and spending habits.

Also, the vicissitudes of time has seen Russian higher educational institutions tuning their programmes to suit international needs. The universities in the country have begun transitioning their programmes in order to make them similar to that of Britain and the US resulting in a higher international student influx into the country.

In order to aid the students who are planning to study in Russia, here are some links, which are mentioned below. These links will help a student understand Russia better and also know more about the colleges and universities in Russia.

# Business Schools in Russia

# Top Universities in Russia

# Brief about Russia

# Fast facts about Russia

# Higher Education in Russia

# Travel to Russia

Featured Listing
Name & Address Phone & E-mail Description Courses
Contemporary Russian Politics - Summer School
76, prospekt Vernadskogo
Moscow 119454
Russia Phone: +7 495 434 9453 The Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University) offers this summer school for International students. The objective of the Program will be to give foreign students a comprehensive picture of contemporary Russian politics, institutions and processes as well as contemporary Russian foreign policy. Students will also have a chance to learn and practice the Russian language. Political Science/Politics
Public Admin, Public Policy, Govt
Russian & Slavic Studies

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