Sunday, April 18, 2010

Study in Pakistan

Pakistan, the world's sixth most populous country and part of the Indian sub-continent, was one of the earliest centers of human civilization and culture, with a history dating back to the second millennium BC to the time of the Indus Valley Civilization. It has been part of various kingdoms and empires, ruled by emperors who were also great patrons of art and culture. Education in Pakistan in the middle ages mainly flourished in the medium of Persian, a language which has been replaced in the present day by Urdu.

Since its independence, education in Pakistan is mainly a state run activity, with the Ministry of Education serving as the apex body for all academic and technical educational institutions, which coordinates instruction through the intermediate level. However, in the recent years, a number of private universities have come up, providing diverse educational opportunities for the Pakistani youth. The literacy rate of Pakistan is around 56%, but the figures are dismal for post-secondary education, which stands at a lowly 4.6%. Education of women is also an area of concern, with the literacy rate of females being only 36%.

Education system in Pakistan is mainly divided into five stages, the primary, the middle and the high grades which constitute the school education culminating in matriculation, intermediate grades constituting classes eleven and twelve leading to an F.A. diploma in arts or F.S. science and university programs leading to undergraduate and advanced degrees. Universities in Pakistan enjoy limited autonomy and their finances are overseen by a University Grants Commission as per the pattern followed in Britain.

On this page, we have tried to provide all the major information on Education in Pakistan. We have tried our best to provide accurate and updated details about Education in Pakistan. However, if you encounter any discrepancy, do write to us. We welcome any kind of feedback that would improve the quality of the site, a site that strives to provide the best information on Education in Pakistan.

To know more about education in Pakistan, please browse through the links below:

Tour Pakistan

Fast Facts about Pakistan

Pakistan Higher Education

Colleges in Pakistan

Universities in Pakistan

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