Sunday, April 18, 2010

Study in France

French higher education is well renowned for its quality and accessibility. The country has an excellent educational system that provides diplomas, degrees, and certificates having international recognition. The country has nearly 400 internationally renowned educational institutions for higher education and research. Moreover, the system of accreditation also ensures that there is never a dearth of quality education. Admission and promotion is based on merit. Therefore, brilliant students stand a good chance of pursuing their educational goals irrespective of their financial or social background.

The country is also known for its industrial and economic expertise. Besides, a well-developed public transport, excellent heath care, and a safe political environment also make the country popular among the students who wish to pursue higher education in the country. It is also well known that given an option more people prefer France than any other destination in the world for higher education.

One of the most striking features of French higher education is the small size of its educational establishments. These establishments though specialize in a range of study programmes. Also, there is a huge presence of higher educational institutions in the country. Even small cities could be having two or three universities and a number of engineering and other specialized higher education establishment. Capital Paris and the suburbs have a total of 13 universities, and a number of other educational institutions. So there is never a dearth of quality higher educational institutions in the country.............

One striking feature of the French education system is the low tuition fees in the country as the expenses for higher education are funded by the state. The tuition fees ranges from €150 to €400 depending on the university and the level of education. Another uniqueness of french higher education is that most scientific research is carried out by designated research institutes and not by the universities. Education gets huge importance in the country. The government spends almost 20 percent of its annual budget on education.

Also, a major reform is underway in the French education system, which, besides changing several other features, also aims to standardize the time-frame according to the European standards: three year’s for bachelor’s degree, two for master’s degree, and three for the doctorate.

In order to aid the students who are planning to study in France, here are some links, which are mentioned below. These links will help a student understand France better and also know more about the colleges and universities in France.

# Business Schools in France

# Scholarships in France

# Top Universities in France

# Fast facts about France

# Higher Education in France

# Students Visa for France

Study in Latvia

Latvia is a new entrant to the European Union. The institutions of higher education present in the country provide excellent infrastructure and good higher educational opportunities. One of the major reasons why students opt for Latvia is the low tuitions fees and living costs that are only a fraction of what it is in most western nations. Besides, the universities in the country are well known for producing brilliant IT and engineering professionals.

Since the country is a member of the European Union, a degree acquired here is valued at par with that of other European nations. Students also get the opportunity to live in a European country without incurring the level of costs prevalent in European nations.

Most of the education institutions of higher education are located in the capital Riga, which is an attractive, lively, cosmopolitan city and far less expensive than its European counterparts. There is a regular quality assessment of the education system and this means that there is always a great emphasis on quality education. One of the main characteristics of Latvian education system is that all the recognized institutions in the country have an autonomous status, which means that these institutions are free to draft their policies and conduct research into various areas of studies.

Many institutions in the country have also designed a special student-to-student programme in order to make international students feel at home. A pre-enrolled student helps a student arriving in the country in getting him settled, introducing him to other students, and assisting him in all practical matters.

In order to aid the students who are planning to study in Latvia, here are some links, which are mentioned below. These links will help a student understand Latvia better and also know more about the colleges and universities in Latvia.

# Business Schools in Latvia

# Top Universities in Latvia

# Brief about Latvia

# Fast facts about Latvia

# Travel to Latvia

# Higher Education in Latvia

Study in Finland

Finland is located north of Europe and shares its borders with Sweden, Norway and Russia. The country offers excellent opportunities in higher education in every field of study. The Finnish government has put a greater emphasis on education and therefore education has been its highest priority. Finland, at present, has 21 university level institutions and 30 polytechnics. In fact, degree and exchange students together constitute nearly 5 percent of the total student enrolment in these institutions of higher education.

The national policy of internationalization has also facilitated the advancement of educational system in the country, which in turn has ensured that students from all corners of the world come to the country to pursue quality higher education.

Moreover, Finnish universities and polytechnics have also laid emphasis on imparting education in English. This has been one of the major reasons why international students have increasingly preferred the country for higher studies. Besides, the natural splendor of the country has attracted many students from overseas.

Finland offers leading education in various fields of study such as information technology, biotechnology, environmental sciences, architecture, music, art, and design. Nevertheless, educational opportunities are not limited in the country. The quality of education in the country is quite impressive and the cost of education is low. Universities and polytechnics present in the country normally do not charge any fee as the Ministry of Education funds higher education at the university level. The Ministry of Education is also responsible for ensuring the quality of educational system in Finland. Of late, the number of students coming to the country under the exchange programme has also increased manifold.

In order to aid the students who are planning to study in Finland, here are some links, which are mentioned below. These links will help a student understand Finland better and also know more about the colleges and universities in Finland.

* Scholarships in Finland

* Top Universities in Finland

* Brief about Finland

* Fast facts about Finland

* Higher Education in Finland

Study in Russia

Russian education system is counted amongst one of the most advanced education systems in the world. The country has a tradition of striving to provide quality education to its citizens. Russia’s more than 500 higher educational institutions and 48 universities have nearly three million students pursuing different programmes. This goes on to show how much higher education in the country is valued. Higher educational institutions in Russia have laid a greater emphasis on science and technology.
Besides, Russian medical, mathematical, scientific, and space and aviation research is excellent, which has attracted a number of students from overseas countries.

Post soviet era, many new private educational institutions have come up that have exclusively focused on providing quality education. The mass education system in the country is also among one of the best in the world with a phenomenal literacy rate of 98 percent, thus exceeding most Western European countries.

Higher education in the country is in the domain of both the public and non-public accredited higher educational institutions. Higher education in the country has been divided into basic higher education and postgraduate higher education. Competitive entry requirements at the Russian universities also ensure that only good students get admission into the institutions thereby ensuring quality in the education. Many Russian institutions also have programmes for public and professional needs.

Another great attraction of the Russian education system is the cost factor, especially when quality is taken into consideration. Tuitions fees for degree programmes can range between $2000 and $8000 per year, with costs for room & board, books, etc. ranging between another $1500 and $5000. Costs vary depending on location and spending habits.

Also, the vicissitudes of time has seen Russian higher educational institutions tuning their programmes to suit international needs. The universities in the country have begun transitioning their programmes in order to make them similar to that of Britain and the US resulting in a higher international student influx into the country.

In order to aid the students who are planning to study in Russia, here are some links, which are mentioned below. These links will help a student understand Russia better and also know more about the colleges and universities in Russia.

# Business Schools in Russia

# Top Universities in Russia

# Brief about Russia

# Fast facts about Russia

# Higher Education in Russia

# Travel to Russia

Featured Listing
Name & Address Phone & E-mail Description Courses
Contemporary Russian Politics - Summer School
76, prospekt Vernadskogo
Moscow 119454
Russia Phone: +7 495 434 9453 The Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University) offers this summer school for International students. The objective of the Program will be to give foreign students a comprehensive picture of contemporary Russian politics, institutions and processes as well as contemporary Russian foreign policy. Students will also have a chance to learn and practice the Russian language. Political Science/Politics
Public Admin, Public Policy, Govt
Russian & Slavic Studies

Study in South Africa

South Africa has rapidly emerged as one of the most preferred higher education destinations globally. Rapidly rising number of foreign students in the country buttresses this point. The post-apartheid future of the country appears to be promising and the government in the country is doing its bit to redesign the entire educational landscape. The objective is to provide a better, more efficient educational infrastructure. The country provides a vibrant mix of modern and traditional cultures amidst the confluence of first world infrastructure and third world developmental challenges. These aspects make South Africa an enviable destination for higher studies and research. Students have wide range of choices to choose from. The universities in the country operate a full and balanced semester system.

The higher education in the country is witnessing tremendous changes as education is being considered a part of the African Renaissance. In fact, a remarkable development in recent times has been in the private education sector. A number of institutions from the US, the UK and Australia have set up their bases in the country. These institutions are providing quality education and are an important reason why students increasingly prefer South Africa for higher education.

In order to aid the students who are planning to study in South Africa, here are some links, which are mentioned below. These links will help a student understand South Africa better and also know more about the colleges and universities in South Africa.

# Tour South Africa

# Fast facts about South Africa

# How to travel to South Africa

# List of colleges & universities in South Africa

Study in Germany

Germany is a place of remarkable beauty and stunning splendor. The country has long been associated with learning as the oldest university in Germany was founded in Heidelberg in 1386. Germany currently has more than 300 institutions of higher education that include 82 universities, 132 such institutions that offer shorter and practically oriented courses, and other institutions. Germany has a high turnout of foreign students as it offers a high range of study possibilities. It is important to mention here that globally around 1.8 million students leave their respective countries to pursue higher studies abroad. Of these, approximately one tenth come to Germany. There are 400 different courses of study that are offered by various institutions across the country. German Universities are autonomous and provide special emphasis on research and teaching. Some of the groundbreaking discoveries that the world has seen have been the result of German Universities. This is one of the strongest reasons why students increasingly prefer Germany for research studies.

German Universities offer courses in Medicine, Law, English, German, and various other disciplines. Academic freedom is one of the main characteristics of the German university system and is one of the reasons why public universities in Germany don’t charge any fee.
All the German universities have a Foreign Student office that looks after the queries of the foreign students and applicants. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) facilitates academic exchange of the institutions of higher education in Germany. The DAAD works towards promoting international academic relations particularly through exchange of students and teachers.

Many universities in Germany offer academic training necessary for a well groomed professional career.

In order to aid the students who are planning to study in Germany, here are some links, which are mentioned below. These links will help a student understand Germany better and also know more about the colleges and universities in Germany.

# Scholarships in Germany

# Tour Germany

# Fast facts about Germany

# Travel to Germany

# Colleges & Universities in Germany

# Students Visa for Germany